IMG 0131


Cini&Nils makes its return to Euroluce amidst visions and future prospects.

The encounter. This is the objective of the Cini&Nils stand created by designers Stefano Vesperini and Nicola Della Noce for Euroluce. “A space open to sociality, a room without walls, cosy, featuring a long counter and islands of relaxation for taking a break, surrounded by beauty”, explains Vesperini. “A physical place, inside the ‘non-place’ of the fair, open, but with personality”. The stand features edgy graphics with a clever vintage twist, played on chiaroscuro tones and updated by the colours. The human element gently questions visitors, and describes Cini&Nils’s baseline business scenario: a diffused well-being conveyed through the delicacy of the lines, the intuition of design, the quality of materials and an idea of “light” destined to accentuate the value of settings, volumes and life itself. “The objects on display are also rhythmic elements, destined to animate the space and environment. They propose the identity of the company, but interact with the space and each other. We selected other design objects such as chairs and stools to complete the set design, because it is essential for us to convey an atmosphere, to give prominence to an everyday, refined, but not necessarily exclusive elegance,” Vesperini continues. The Cini&Nils stand will also include several Lombardo products. A decision that describes what is happening: the two companies, united by the same ownership, are “observing” each other. As living, organic beings immersed in the same ecosystem, they experience each other’s presence, without contamination, simply by experiencing the physicality of the other. The presence of Cini&Nils at the fair thus becomes a true ecosystem, a natural environment in which the elements communicate to one another, perceive each other, and interact with the presence of humans. A natural workshop destined to generate a future of continuity and innovation.


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